Centennial Park 760 Goodwood Road Pasadena, South Australia, 5042 We acknowledge the Kaurna people are the traditional custodians of the Adelaide Plains and pay respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Kaurna people living today.   |   Ph: (08) 8276 6011
Wildflowers Café: (08) 8275 2257
Gift Shop: (08) 8275 2256
Email: [email protected]

Memorial Search – Cemetery Records

Results for "richard sleep"

Name Date of Death Last Abode Maps Online Account Renew/Extend
Sleep, Richard Harold 10/09/1973 Kingswood View map Add to Family and Friends Renew Online
Sleep, Richard Harold

Date of Death

Last Abode

View map
Renew Online

Renewing or extending your Interment Right period ensures the physical link to the life and memories of your loved one continues.

Centennial Park offers perpetual interment rights, meaning your loved one is memorialised forever, at rest in the Park, for future generations to remember. Interment rights with limited tenure (a set period) can be converted to perpetuity, eliminating the worry about who will bear the cost of renewing the Interment Right in the future.

Additional years can be added to your existing tenure at any time. Interment rights do not need to be expired prior to adding tenure. You could add the legislated minimum five years, or more if you choose, when it suits you. Adding five years for a few years in a row quickly adds up.

Converting to perpetuity, or adding years before expiry, means you pay for each year at the current fee rate, rather than the increased fees, later. Our fees are reviewed regularly and generally increase from 1 July each year.

To renew an Interment Right online:

  1. Type in the name of the deceased and click Search Now.
  2. In the “Results” table, click on Renew Online on the line for the memorial position.
  3. Click on the dropdown arrow and select your preferred option – convert to perpetuity, renew/extend for the original tenure term (generally 30 years for ashes and plaque-only positions and 50 years for burial positions), 10 years or the minimum 5 years. (the minimum of five years form the expiry date is required by the SA Burial and Cremation Act 2013).
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and tick the box to say you have read and understood the Plain English Statement of the terms and conditions of renewal.
  5. Click Submit – you will be redirected to your Cart.
  6. Review the details of the position you are renewing and click Proceed to Checkout.
  7. Enter your billing details and Place Order.
  8. Enter your debit/credit card details, click Confirm and Pay.

We will post you a receipt and Statement of Interment Right.

Click here for printable step-by-step instructions.

Currently, this search does not allow for a search of Remembrance Plaque positions (where there are no interments), but we are working on a solution. Our Customer Service Team is available during office hours on (08) 8276 6011 for further assistance in locating these positions while the solution is finalised. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Please contact our Team on (08) 8276 6011 if you have any questions or if you prefer to renew an Interment Right, with a credit card, over the phone.

Centennial Park's Martinique Grove overlooking Poppies and Ulysses sculptures in the distance

Map of Centennial Park

Our Memorial Sales & Customer Service Teams have relocated to the Jubilee Complex. For memorial appointments & enquiries including locating memorial positions, visit the Jubilee Complex. Collections of ashes appointments remain at the Administration Building.Learn more.